Bilim İnsanları Quizz
- Q. Who is the scientist who discovered electromagnetic induction, that the magnetic field rotates the polarization plane of light?
- Q. Who is the first scientist to describe electricity as a "force"?
- Q. Who is a scientist working on light and wavelengths at the University of Würzburg in Germany?
- Q. Who is the scientist who discovered new types of glass for optical instruments such as the microscope?
- Q. Who is the scientist who started the use of the telescope in astronomy observations?
- Q. Who is the inventor who found X-rays?
- Q. Which scientist is the one putting electrochemistry on scientific basis?
- Q. Who is the self-taught scientist who, after a short education, entered bookbinder as an apprentice and read all the physics and chemistry books he got in the meantime?
- Q. Which is not one of Galileo's inventions?
- Q. Whose work is the book named ‘’Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems’’?