Proje Hazırlama
- Q. The competitor Earns money by answering the question correctly.
- Q. The type of channel that relates to animals.
- Q. The type of movie watched in some periods.
- Q. Channel that tells about current events .
- Q. Animations do not contain ...?
- Q. The emotion we will feel while watching a horror movie
- Q. The feeling we will feel while watching a comedy movie
- Q. If there is an ad saying "for a better gaming experience", what ad is it?
- Q. "Giant menu for two" if such an advertisement is appearing, what advertisement is it?
- Q. What is the game where you buy new cars and race
- Q. I don’t have ANY/SOME brothers
- Q. He will buy SOME/MANY coffee
- Q. Do you have MUCH/MANY friends?
- Q. Can a take A LİTTLE/ANY coffee, please?
- Q. Ads to most people...?
- Q. She had a very TİRİNG/TİRED day.
- Q. wild west movies
- Q. what type of movie
- Q. the type of movie people are afraid of
- Q. TOM ;I find horror movies funny. What do you think ? JULIA;No, to me, horror movies are very scary. Agree or disagree